Tine Surel Lange

34 år

Ble medlem for 9 år, 1 måned siden

Nettside: http://www.tinesurel.com/


Tine Surel Lange is a Norwegian composer and artist who earned a Bachelor’s in Composition and Sound Art and a Master’s in Music Performance Technology from the Norwegian Academy of Music and Sonic College in Denmark. In reimagining the concept of “listening”, she helps people recognise sounds they have otherwise forgotten about or of which they were unaware. Her works are imbued with the personal hope that people will achieve increased empathy for the surrounding world through listening. She has presented audiovisual works with a deep interest in natural surroundings, like arctic landscapes, coastal environments, jungles, caves and places with specific historical significance. Surel Lange has also completed several works containing sosial messages about sex- and body pressure. She is working with the surrounding world both thematic and as material, and works with challenging our psychological categorisation of sound and belongs to a new generation of artists and composers who work with 3D audio, immersive and surrounding sound. In her practise she moves between and combines sound installation, performance, video, electroacoustic- and instrumental composition. In her latest installation project “We can’t save the world”, made during a six week residency in PyeongChang in South Korea, selected field recordings are presented in an hostile and metallic environment - sounds from nature where you in the background hear the sound of destruction of old, sacred pine tree fore…