
Nicholas Kristiansen
Nicholas Kristiansen
Ble medlem for 4 år, 7 måneder siden (808 besøk)

Nicholas Kristiansen is a Norwegian born photographer who just finished his Bachelor degree in Fashion Photography at Falmouth University. For his Final Major Project, he explored the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in something that is purposeless. Pareidolia is the phenomenon of recognizing patterns, shapes and familiar objects in a vague and sometimes random stimulus, it ́s the result of your brain trying to “make sense” of input that really has no sense to find in it. By exploring how inanimate objects can create different associations depending on the viewers relations, Nicholas is building a body of work exploring different ways of using constructive materials and turning them into abstract objects. By using social issues as a stimulus for inspiration, he aims to break down stereotypes and challenging what is looked at as a traditional photographic portrait.