
Magnus Nyborg Berg
Magnus Nyborg Berg
Ble medlem for 5 år, 5 måneder siden (1099 besøk)

Følelsen av at verden kjører videre og at du sitter igjen på perongen. Inspirert av ensomhet ved langvarig sykdom. Samtidig mister man aldri virkelig båndene man knytter til andre.


Just another day
A cloudy sky
The world's waking up

I take my time
'Cause after all
It doesn't mean anything

What I do
What I say
The world goes on without me
And you are
A piece of the world
We're in the same twirl
And although it stings
It doesn't mean anything
to you

vers 2:
When the going gets tough
I'll be there
Still by your side
So just fool around
'Cause we both know
It doesn't mean anything

What you do
What you say
'Cause you know, I'll be there for you
All the way
'Cause you are
My piece of the world
And as we twirl
You know how it stings
But it doesn't mean anything

Doesn't mean anything
To you


What we do
What we say
The world will go on when we fade away
'Cause we are
A piece of the world
And as we twirl
It doesn't sting
'Cause it doesn't mean anything

To you