The way that we are

Magnus Nyborg Berg
Magnus Nyborg Berg
Ble medlem for 5 år, 5 måneder siden (586 besøk)

Kombinert budskap om at man må tilgi seg selv for sine feil og basert på uttrykket "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", med tanke på klimakrisa og menneksets utnyttelse av naturresursene. Vi bygger en vei til helvete med de beste intensjoner. Men vi kam fortsatt snu, og nøkkelen til det er tilgivelse (her forøvrig som sekulært budskap, uten videre tilknytning til religion.)


the world

If your feelings collapse and you end up in a state of shame
that's a mistake

'cause the way that we are
makes us stumble and fall
It's the way that we see
how we want things to be
It's the path that we walk
it's the pain of it all
but through your destruction
I want you to see

With best intentions in your mind
Fulfil the duty of our time
to slowly, steady, pave this road
to hell, to meet your maker

We have only one moment,
Compliance is the greatest crime
this road sure has a steep decline
ignite a fire in your heart
Behead that big old faker

As we revolt
To build our own heaven on earth

The world
As we try to get through this it's like we are bound by a spell
Our prison cell

With best intentions in your mind
Fulfil the duty of our time
to slowly, steady, pave this road
to hell, to meet your maker

We have only one moment,
Compliance is the greatest crime
this road sure has a steep decline
ignite a fire in your heart
Behead that big old faker

As we revolt
To build our own heaven
on earth